Podcasts - Tecnología

Den sorte boks - podcast

Den sorte boks - podcast

Hver uge snupper Kasper og Frederik en kendt danskers smartphone og går på jagt efter deres digitale sjæl. Telefonen glemmer ikke og er blevet menneskets sorte boks, der husker, hvad du ser på Netflix, lytter til på Spotify, og hvordan du interagerer med andre på Instagram og Snapchat. P3 holder teknologiens mørke spejl op foran gæsten og spørger, om de kan lide, hvad de ser. Værter: Frederik Dirks Gottlieb og Kasper Lundberg. Produceret af Munck Studios København.


Det digitale liv er blevet danskernes hverdagsliv. Vi surfer, socialiserer og shopper på nettet. Vi fylder vores hjem med smart elektronik og hele vores liv er i højere og højere grad gennemsyret af fikse digitale tjenester og mobile apps som kan hjælpe os med næsten alt. Elektronista er et uhøjtideligt snakkeprogram om oplevelser, underholdning og produkter der kan sættes strøm til. I hvert program vil den digitale trendekspert Christiane Vejlø invitere gæster i studiet til samtaler med udgangspunkt i det digitale univers. Fra sociale medier, rygter på nettet og nye gadgets, til apps, sladder fra telebranchen og nyheder fra medieverdenen.


Hvordan indretter vi fremtiden? Techtopia er en ugentlig podcast om teknologi, startups og forskning. Om digitalisering, kunstig intelligens, nano, bio og den 4. industrielle revolution. Vært er Henrik Føhns.


Podcasten sætter strøm til ugens største nyheder inden for teknologi, forskning og naturvidenskab, og vi analyserer de svingninger, der på godt og ondt transformerer verden og vores samfund.
Tech og strategi i øjenhøjde

Tech og strategi i øjenhøjde

Tech og strategi i øjenhøjde er en podcast af DANSK IT om muligheder og udfordringer med it. Hør om alt fra kunstig intelligens til it-jura, it-sikkerhed og digital innovation. Fortalt af mennesker med dyb indsigt på it-området. DANSK IT er en uafhængig forening for it-professionelle. Det er Danmarks største it-faglige netværk. På www.dit.dk finder du spændende artikler og interviews om it.
TED Radio Hour

TED Radio Hour

Exploring the biggest questions of our time with the help of the world's greatest thinkers. Host Manoush Zomorodi inspires us to learn more about the world, our communities, and most importantly, ourselves. Get more brainy miscellany with TED Radio Hour+. Your subscription supports the show and unlocks a sponsor-free feed. Learn more at plus.npr.org/ted


Med højt humør og god energi dækker podcasten teknologier, tendenser og udfordringer i startup-miljøet igennem øjnene af iværksættere, investorer og teknologiske eksperter. Vi, Lars Horsbøl og Eske Gerup interviewer store kanoner omkring moderne teknologier og velkommer altid lytternes input med kyshånd. Vores sponsor hos Fremtidsfabrikken er VISMA, som er nordens førende softwareudbyder til virksomheder.
Artificial Intelligence in Industry with Dan Faggella

Artificial Intelligence in Industry with Dan Faggella

Artificial intelligence is more interesting when it comes from the source. Each week, Dan Faggella interviews top AI and machine learning executives, investors and researchers from companies like Facebook, eBay, Google DeepMind and more - with one single focus: Gaining insight on the applications and implications of AI in industry. Follow our Silicon Valley adventures and hear straight from AI's best and brightest.
The Vergecast

The Vergecast

The Vergecast is the flagship podcast from The Verge about small gadgets, Big Tech, and everything in between. Every Friday, hosts Nilay Patel, David Pierce, and Alex Cranz hang out and make sense of the week’s most important technology news. And every Tuesday, David leads a selection of The Verge’s expert staffers in an exploration of how gadgets and software affect our lives – and which ones you should bring into yours.
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"'A podcast about the internet' that is actually an unfailingly original exploration of modern life and how to survive it." - The Guardian. Hosted by Alex Goldman and Emmanuel Dzotsi from Gimlet.
a16z Podcast

a16z Podcast

The a16z Podcast discusses tech and culture trends, news, and the future – especially as ‘software eats the world’. It features industry experts, business leaders, and other interesting thinkers and voices from around the world. This podcast is produced by Andreessen Horowitz (aka “a16z”), a Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm. Multiple episodes are released every week; visit a16z.com for more details and to sign up for our newsletters and other content as well!
WSJ’s The Future of Everything

WSJ’s The Future of Everything

What will the future look like? The Future of Everything offers a view of the nascent trends that will shape our world. In every episode, join our award-winning team on a new journey of discovery. We’ll take you beyond what’s already out there, and make you smarter about the scientific and technological breakthroughs on the horizon that could transform our lives for the better.
Digital Planet

Digital Planet

Technological and digital news from around the world.


TechStuff is a show about technology. And it’s not just how technology works. Join host Jonathan Strickland as he explores the people behind the tech, the companies that market it and how technology affects our lives and culture.
work.flow - med Anders Høeg Nissen

work.flow - med Anders Høeg Nissen

Work.flow handler om HVAD vi arbejder med og HVORDAN vi arbejder - og ikke mindst hvilke værktøjer vi bruger. I podcasten følger jeg min nørdede nysgerrighed for håndværk, viden og ekspertise, og taler hver uge med en gæst, der fortæller om sit arbejde, sine rutiner, sine ambitioner og sin hverdag. Der er fokus på arbejde i bred forstand, men i work.flow er jeg særligt interesseret i de digitale værktøjer, der fylder stadig mere i mange menneskers professionelle liv, hvadenten det handler om kirurgen, journalisten, forskeren, musikeren, fotografen, mekanikeren eller juristen. Work.flow er et samtale-baseret program, hvor jeg nogle gange har folk på besøg i studiet, andre gange selv er på besøg hos gæsten. work.flow bliver produceret af podLAB
Decoder with Nilay Patel

Decoder with Nilay Patel

Decoder is a show from The Verge about big ideas — and other problems. Verge editor-in-chief Nilay Patel talks to a diverse cast of innovators and policymakers at the frontiers of business and technology to reveal how they’re navigating an ever-changing landscape, what keeps them up at night, and what it all means for our shared future.


Patrick Damsted og Susanna Rankenberg taler om tech og eksistens - og digitale anliggender over en bred kam. Erkendelsen er, at tech er vævet så tæt ind i tilværelsen, at det berører eksistensen. Det giver både pinlige og uoverskuelige problemstillinger. Men på en hyggelig måde. RSS-feed her: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:56822074/sounds.rss
The Crypto Street Podcast

The Crypto Street Podcast

The Crypto Street Podcast is a cryptocurrency podcast hosted by @K1llerWh4le @13Prince31 and @CryptoDale Business Inquiries/Join The Pod: TCSP@protonmail.com
MacBreak Weekly (Audio)

MacBreak Weekly (Audio)

MacBreak Weekly covers all things Apple – Macs, iPhones, iPads, Watches, Apple TV, and more. Join Leo Laporte and his co-hosts Jason Snell, Andy Ihnatko, and Alex Lindsay as they dive Apple news, rumors, updates, and reviews. Records live every Tuesday at 2:00pm Eastern / 11:00am Pacific / 19:00 UTC.
Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project

Still Untitled: The Adam Savage Project

Posted on Tuesdays, Norm and Will discuss topics of interest with Adam--nothing is off-limits! Still Untitled covers everything from hot-button issues within the maker community to experiences from Adam's life to questions from the audience. Enjoy!


CGP Grey and Myke Hurley are both independent content creators. Each episode, they get together to discuss their working lives. Hosted by CGP Grey and Myke Hurley.
Paul's Security Weekly

Paul's Security Weekly

For the latest in computer security news, hacking, and research! We sit around, drink beer, and talk security. Our show will feature technical segments that show you how to use the latest tools and techniques. Special guests appear on the show to enlighten us and change your perspective on information security.
Chips with Everything

Chips with Everything

Why are people designing video games in war zones? How do you catch a catfisher? Can we trust AI lie detectors? Each week, Jordan Erica Webber is joined by experts to answer these questions on our digital culture podcast, Chips with Everything
The WIRED Podcast

The WIRED Podcast

The award-winning WIRED UK Podcast with James Temperton and the rest of the team. Listen every week for the an informed and entertaining rundown of latest technology, science, business and culture news. New episodes every Friday.
Darknet Diaries

Darknet Diaries

Explore true stories of the dark side of the Internet with host Jack Rhysider as he takes you on a journey through the chilling world of hacking, data breaches, and cyber crime.
Gadget Lab

Gadget Lab

Inside the hottest personal tech stories of the week; mobile apps, gear, social networking, and entertainment.
Design Details

Design Details

A show about the people who design our favorite products. Hosted by Bryn Jackson and Brian Lovin.
Gartner ThinkCast

Gartner ThinkCast

Gartner ThinkCast puts you at the intersection of business and technology with insights from the top experts on how to build a more successful organization, team and career in the Digital Era. Join us every other Tuesday to get your competitive advantage. View all Gartner ThinkCast episodes at https://www.gartner.com/en/podcasts/thinkcast


Exponent, a production of Stratechery.com, is hosted by Ben Thompson and James Allworth. In this program we seek to explore the massive effect technology is having not just on technology companies, but also on society as a whole. Ben Thompson is the author of Stratechery, a blog about the business and strategy of technology. James Allworth is the co-author with Clay Christensen of "How Will You Measure Your Life" and a writer for the Harvard Business Review. Visit the website at http://exponent.fm for show notes and to subscribe. To see old Stratechery.FM episodes, please visit http://stratechery.fm