Sonnet Radio

Sonnet Radio

Sonnet Radio - Good Times, Great Music And A Radio Station That Thinks YOU Are Number 1

Sonnet Radio was originally born in October 1999 on 106.2 FM. It was a radio station serving South Cheshire. It broadcasted on a Restricted Service Licence (RSL) using a 25 watt transmitter, and was on the airwaves for….wait for it….16 whole days! That was the length of the licence allowed by OFCOM! Back in those days, the internet wasn’t anything like it is today. If it was it could have carried on online. Bear in mind in 1999 Amazon was 5 years old, Google about 1, Facebook was 5 years off & you’d have to wait for another 7 years to send a Tweet! So it was with sadness that the original Sonnet FM closed it’s doors in November 1999. Gone, but certainly not forgotten! 2020 arrived. The year Sonnet would have been 21. Now, using the powers of modern technology, the all new Sonnet Radio have dragged its spirit, and name, kicking and screaming into the 21st century!
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