Podcasts - Bildung

김영철,피터빈트의 진짜 영국식 영어(김영철의 파워FM)

김영철,피터빈트의 진짜 영국식 영어(김영철의 파워FM)

김영철과 영국남자 피터 빈트의 영어 팟캐스트. 일상 생활 속 궁금했던 영어표현을 알려주는 진짜 영국식 영어! 영어 능력 상승은 물론 영국식 악센트까지 재밌게 배워봐요~
혼자 있는 게 좋아

혼자 있는 게 좋아

Welcome to love being alone podcast ♡ 매주 머릿속에 떠오르는 생각을 주제삼아 토킹하는 혼자 있는 게 좋아 팟캐스트. 멘탈건강, 연애, 심리, 라이프 스타일 등 정해진 틀없이 자유롭게 넘나들며 저의 생각을 전달합니다. 혼자 있을때, 생각이 많고 복잡할때 언제든 와서 함께해요! business: dpfls406@gmail.com IG @yexlinx @lovebeingalonebylin
English Grammar HELP and Podcasts for the Inquisitive ESL Student:  We're Interactive!

English Grammar HELP and Podcasts for the Inquisitive ESL Student: We're Interactive!

Stop by our friendly HELP! Desk and learn a few do's and don't's of English grammar. At the HELP! Desk, English grammar is made easy to understand. Ask that question that you've needed an answer to in our interactive forum. Listen to an audio of a story written by an ESL student. All our examples are authentic student-generated language. Whether you are a native speaker or somebody learning English as a Second Language, whether you are a student or writing a business letter, we have the answers for you! Writing, grammar, communication, podcasts, audio stories, and more! We're open 24/7, and we're interactive. A new podcast every week.
[KBS] 라디오 문학관

[KBS] 라디오 문학관

잊혀지고 있는 한국적인 정서와 고전의 풍부한 상상력을 일깨운다.
Keiko일본어수다 Learning Japanese in Korean

Keiko일본어수다 Learning Japanese in Korean

일본어 원어민의 편안한 수다. ★Instagram★ @keiko_suda_jp 친구에게 일본어 가르쳐주는 마음으로, 일본어 부분은 한국어로 셀프 통역합니다. 편안한 수다를 통해 즐겁게 배워요. 일본어독학 응원합니다. ★일본어책 낭독서비스 추천 = https://amzn.to/44i9wmr #일본어 #일본어회화 #Keiko일본어수다 #케이코일본어 #일본어듣기 #일본어공부 #일본어독학 #팟캐스트일본어 #일본어프리토킹 #日本語 #韓国語 #Japaneselesson #LearningKorean #LearningJapanese
크리스의 어학연수

크리스의 어학연수

미국 어학연수 스토리를 통해 영어를 배웁니다.
Culips Everyday English Podcast

Culips Everyday English Podcast

Learning English is tough stuff, but we’re here to help every step of the way. This podcast is for English language learners who want to improve their lives by becoming fluent in English. Our high-quality lessons are free, fun and taught by our expert hosts. Listening to Culips is like sitting in on an interesting chat between good friends. Your fluency, listening skills, vocabulary, and pronunciation will improve naturally as you get to know our hosts and learn about interesting topics and trends in Canada and around the world. Get awesome at English, with Culips!
Library Talks

Library Talks

Join The New York Public Library and your favorite writers, artists, and thinkers for smart talks and provocative conversations from the nation’s cultural capital.
VOA 매일 영어 - Voice of America

VOA 매일 영어 - Voice of America

미국에서 쓰이는 다양한 영어 표현과 기본이 되는 문법을 매일 새로운 문장으로 쉽게 알려드립니다.
French is Beautiful

French is Beautiful

A podcast recorded live in Paris that explores French language, culture, philosophy and l'art de vivre.


더 좋은 세상을 위한 지식과 경험, 그리고 아이디어를 나눕니다. 팟캐스트로 세바시의 무대를 만나보세요.
Kwik Brain with Jim Kwik

Kwik Brain with Jim Kwik

Kwik Brain is a fun, fast-paced show designed to help busy people learn and achieve anything in a fraction of the time! Your coach, Jim Kwik (his real name), is the brain & memory trainer to elite mental performers, including many of the world’s leading CEO’s and celebrities. In this easy to digest bite-sized podcast, you will discover Kwik’s favorite shortcuts to read faster, remember more, and ‘supercharge’ your greatest wealth-building asset: your brain. Whether you’re a student, senior, entrepreneur or educator, you will get the edge with these simple actionable tools to sharpen your mind, enhance your focus, and fast-track your fullest potential. Get show notes, Jim’s latest brain-training, and submit your questions in our private community (free) at: www.KwikBrain.com Jim Kwik is the founder of KwikLearning.com, a widely recognized world leader in speed-reading, memory improvement, brain performance, and accelerated learning with students in over 150 countries. After a childhood brain injury left him learning-challenged, Kwik created strategies to dramatically enhance his mental performance. He has since dedicated his life to helping others unleash their true genius and brainpower to learn anything faster and live a life of greater power, productivity, and purpose.


맛있는 지식! 딱 한입!
The Students' Podcast

The Students' Podcast

Teachers and students, got something to say? Put on your headphones and get ready to hit record! The folks behind NPR's Student Podcast Challenge made this handy guide on how to make a podcast in the classroom. We'll talk about how to gather good sound, ask great questions and conduct smart interviews. Plus, we'll hear from the contest's judges, last year's winners and feature some pretty inspiring stories of students and teachers. It's everything you need to make an amazing podcast!
Slow English

Slow English

A podcast about Australia for learners of English, spoken slowly by a native speaker. Visit www.slowenglish.info to read transcripts of the podcasts.
Thinking in Japanese Podcast

Thinking in Japanese Podcast

In this podcast, I speak about a variety of topics in Japanese. I speak Japanese slowly and as much as simply. Of course, sometimes I have to use difficult vocabulary so I have vocabulary lists for each episode. On the Patreon page, you can check my podcast episodes, scripts, bonus contents, and Japanese newsletters. Let's learn and use Japanese together! https://www.patreon.com/thinking_in_japanese
영어회화 무작정 따라하기

영어회화 무작정 따라하기

25개 필수동사로 기초를 다진다! 오석태의 말문이 트이는 강의!
Soul and Wit

Soul and Wit

Your new favorite mother-daughter duo talking about things (that aren’t things) together and with special guests. Join Courtney Carver and Bailey Carver talking about simplicity, wellness, happiness and secrets to living a life you love. Plus, we'll be interviewing amazing humans about how to live a meaningful life.
일본어 무작정 따라하기

일본어 무작정 따라하기

듣기만 해도 말이 나오는 소리패턴 학습법! 후지이 아사리의 일본어 기초강의입니다. 교재 : [일본어 무작정 따라하기],[일본어 무작정 따라하기 심화편]
한량교수의 슬기로운 유학준비 & 유학생활

한량교수의 슬기로운 유학준비 & 유학생활

한국에서 영어 열심히 가르치다 미국 산골짜기에서 응용언어학과 교수로 재직 중인 한량교수입니다. 블로그에 제가 올렸던 미국 석박사 유학 관련된 글들을 바탕으로 미국 석박사 유학준비, 미국에서의 유학생활, 그리고 졸업 후 취업에 대한 얘기들을 팟캐스트로 썰을 풀어 봅니다! 한량유학!
존디킴의 교실

존디킴의 교실

다양한 분야의 전문인들한테 우리 삶에 바로 적용할수 있는 교훈, 팁, 하고 경험들을 들을수 있는 인터뷰형 팟캐스트. 배우 겸 시나리오 작가 John D. Kim과 함께하는 인생 개발 프로그램, 존디킴의 교실!
어렵지 않아요! 무따무따 여행 일본어

어렵지 않아요! 무따무따 여행 일본어

일본어에 자신 없어도 ok! 이 순간을 즐기고 싶은 여행자들을 위한 여행 일본어 회화!
How To!

How To!

What if Dear Abby were an investigative reporter? Each week, Amanda Ripley and Carvell Wallace take on listeners’ toughest problems and, with the help of experts, find the answers to questions you’ve always wanted to ask but couldn’t. Until now.
Demystifying College Admissions

Demystifying College Admissions

I’m Julie Kim, and I’m the host of Demystifying College Admissions. Look, I’ve been there before! Navigating through the college admissions process is overwhelming, confusing and ultimately stressful. This podcast is designed to inspire high school students to identify their passions, learn all about the most updated college admissions strategies, with guests and experts from all industries! And the best part is we’ll also dive into mental health so that this podcast will be a healthy, safe, and vulnerable space for all teens and parents out there!
[KBS] 조정현의 굿모닝 팝스

[KBS] 조정현의 굿모닝 팝스

조정현의 굿모닝 팝스